Sunday, October 11, 2009

School and RenFest...

Ok, school going good and have two papers to do for english and dont even know where to start... we went to RenFest angain yesterday even know it had rain for 3 days before the fest and it was nothing but mud. got a few pics from the fest but not as many as I wanted. the one im posting is of a place or site in the fest called the dungeon of doom...I had a blast and want to go back the final weekend because a Scottish group will be preform angain and I want to film them this time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Feel like a outcast....

I was discussing my paper on gay marrige to my good friend so I thought, when she was like why are they(school) making you write a paper on marrige and i told her there not, that it was my choice and then she flys off the handle. she was like whats your opinion on it and i told her i thought that it should be legal and she said didnt care whetherit was legal or mot she just belive its not right and she would never really be friends with someone that was gay. this makes me really hurt and partically because she doesnt know that i am gay but other is i known her for almost 5-6 years and to say that about me just make rethink whether she a true friend or not.